Faculty Profile

Farzad Veisi
Update: 2024-09-19

Farzad Veisi

Faculty of Natural Resources / Department of Geomorphology

Theses Faculty

M.Sc. Theses

  1. Analysis of the situation and identification of drivers affecting the economy-oriented performance of local rural management (case study: rural areas of Marivan county)
    Abstract Villagers, as local managers, can play an irreplaceable role in solving one of the main problems of rural development in the country in relation to the transformation and economic development of villages. In this regard, and in order to measure the economic performance of the rural villagers in the deprived and border region of Marivan city, the present research with a descriptive-analytical method and with a quantitative-qualitative nature based on data collection in the theoretical part using documentary sources and In the field section based on field survey tools, it has been done. In order to identify the most important factors affecting the economic performance of villagers, the Delphi research team was formed in a targeted way from among villagers, development officials, scientific experts and rural experts. Analyzing the findings from semi-structured interviews using a qualitative method, first with an open coding technique, and then turning it into a questionnaire and confirming and generalizing the identified obstacles with the factor analysis inferential test, showed that 64 factors or obstacles in the form of The four main factors of weakness in planning, policy making, implementation, supervision and monitoring of the development process in the field of development management and inappropriate business environment in the villages of Marivan city in line with economic transformation; The low level of the capacities of the local community and the dominance of the peasant subculture; The low level of capacity development of villagers and the lack of sustainable financial resources in the field of support, support and economic transformation are the key factors affecting the inappropriate economic performance of villagers in the rural areas of Marivan County.
  2. Analysis of Factors Affecting Pro-Poor Tourism Development in Rural Areas around Zarivar Wetland
    Abstract The development of pro-poor tourism, an accepted approach for managing tourism in rural destinations, necessitates identifying the causes and factors influencing its growth among the rural poor. In this applied research, we employed a descriptive-analytical method with a qualitative nature. Data were collected from documentary sources and a survey conducted among the Delphi group of experts. Our study focused on rural areas surrounding the Zarivar wetland, a significant objective for rural tourism development in Kurdistan province. To form the Delphi group, we selected scientific experts, local specialists, villagers, tourism activists, and regional development officials using a targeted method. In the initial phase, we conducted open interviews with Delphi group members and analyzed their responses using fundamental theory techniques. We identified the most critical factors affecting pro-poor tourism development at the regional level. Considering the multitude of factors, resource constraints, and the need for effective intervention policies, we employed cross-effects analysis and the Delphi technique to identify key drivers. Our findings revealed 60 obstacles or challenges, including weak planning, inadequate policy-making and management (both in tourism and rural economic development), an unfavorable business environment, border security issues, deficiencies in amenities, accommodation, and services, insufficient information dissemination, education, and advertising, capital shortages, and socio-cultural weaknesses related to tourists’ needs and performance. Among these, 29 pivotal factors were determined to significantly influence pro-poor tourism development. Notably, the lack of a systemic perspective in Zarivar Lagoon’s tourism management, the neglect of the poor during regional development policies, officials’ ignorance of the special needs of impoverished communities, and the narrow definition of poverty solely based on income were the primary propellants.
  3. Investigating the relationship between tourism and the social health of villagers (case study: Oramanat area of Sarvabad city)
    Achieving the desired level of social health as a multifaceted structure that results from the level of well-being and quality of life of residents in communities has become one of the hopes and dreams of development policymakers, especially in vulnerable rural areas. In the meantime, considering the undeniable effects on the changes in the quality of life of the residents; The development of these activities in rural areas as activities that depend on internal capabilities and taking advantage of external opportunities. It can have tremendous effects in relation to improving the level of social health of rural tourism destinations. In this connection, the present applied research aims to evaluate the state of the impact of development on the social health changes of residents in the popular rural tourism area of the country, that is; It has been done in Oraman area of Sarovabad city. Data collection was done by descriptive-analytical method and in the theoretical part based on documentary sources and in the field part based on the survey method. It is quantitative-qualitative, and after evaluating the impact on the changes in the level of social health of the local community, the research factors affecting this situation were discovered and drawn in the form of a paradigm model. The statistical population of the research is the rural residents in the quantitative part with the number of 260 heads of households of the tourism target villages of Oraman region (determined by the Cochran method) and in the qualitative part, a Delphi team consisting of local experts, development officials and scientific development experts of the region is formed by the method. It has been purposeful and a snowball technique. Data analysis with inferential statistics tests in the first part showed that, in total, at a significance level of 0.05 and with 95% confidence, the development of tourism in Oraman region has an impact on the relative extent and its factors. The size of the calculation shows that the development has an effect on changing the social health indicators of the residents, but this effect is not all-inclusive and harmful. It creates the satisfaction of the local people. Also, according to the field conditions with the life cycle models of tourism destinations, I can put the situation of the rural areas of Oraman region in the stabilization stage to the effects of tourism on the local social community, and in order to prevent stagnation, there should be policies. Regeneration of the area should be used. Also, the paradigm model showed that growth in tourism development as a causal category is detailism and reductionism in the concept and management of tourism and social security as the main category, detailism and reductionism in the concept and management of the field. Tourism and providing social health as a category of fields; Weakness in the performance and mentality of local activists as an intervening category; development of benefit, sustainable and health industry to the intervention category; In the village of Salem, due to the efficient environment, the development of industry has been determined as a consequence category.
  4. investigating the relationship between tourism and the social health of villagers (case study: Oramanat area of Sarvabad County)
    Abstract Achieving the desired level of social health as a multifaceted structure that results from the level of well-being and quality of life of residents in communities has become one of the hopes and dreams of development policymakers, especially in vulnerable rural areas. In the meantime, considering the undeniable effects on the changes in the quality of life of the residents; The development of these activities in rural areas as activities that depend on internal capabilities and taking advantage of external opportunities. It can have tremendous effects in relation to improving the level of social health of rural tourism destinations. In this connection, the present applied research aims to evaluate the state of the impact of development on the social health changes of residents in the popular rural tourism area of the country, that is; It has been done in Oraman area of Sarovabad city. Data collection was done by descriptive-analytical method and in the theoretical part based on documentary sources and in the field part based on the survey method. It is quantitative-qualitative, and after evaluating the impact on the changes in the level of social health of the local community, the research factors affecting this situation were discovered and drawn in the form of a paradigm model. The statistical population of the research is the rural residents in the quantitative part with the number of 260 heads of households of the tourism target villages of Oraman region (determined by the Cochran method) and in the qualitative part, a Delphi team consisting of local experts, development officials and scientific development experts of the region is formed by the method. It has been purposeful and a snowball technique. Data analysis with inferential statistics tests in the first part showed that, in total, at a significance level of 0.05 and with 95% confidence, the development of tourism in Oraman region has an impact on the relative extent and its factors. The size of the calculation shows that the development has an effect on changing the social health indicators of the residents, but this effect is not all-inclusive and harmful. It creates the satisfaction of the local people. Also, according to the field conditions with the life cycle models of tourism destinations, I can put the situation of the rural areas of Oraman region in the stabilization stage to the effects of tourism on the local social community, and in order to prevent stagnation, there should be policies. Regeneration of the area should be used.
  5. تحلیل ساختاری پیشران های موثر بر توان افزایی نواحی روستایی مراکز دهستان جهت ایفای نقش مرکزیت در راستای گسترش تعادل و توازن منطقه ای(مطالعه موردی: مراکز دهستان شهرستان مریوان)
    چکیده روستاهای مرکز دهستان به عنوان مراکز مهم روستایی، حلقه واسط میان شهرها و نواحی روستایی کوچک و پراکنده ای هستند که زمینه ساز جریان سازی توسعه ای و هدایت و ساماندهی فضای توسعه منطقه ای با عملکرد اثربخش نواحی روستایی هستند. عملکرد اثربخش این روستاها، نیازمند توان افزایی شان بر مبنای پیشران هایی است که از گذشته بر عملکرد موجود آنها اثرگذار بوده و در آینده نیز اثرگذار می باشند. بر این اساس، در پژوهش کاربردی حاضر با دید جامع و آینده نگرانه به شناسایی پیشران های موثر بر توان افزایی نواحی روستایی مرکز دهستان شهرستان مریوان در راستای ایفای نقش مرکزیت در فضای توسعه شهرستان پرداخته شد. همچنین، وضعیت موجود عملکرد این روستاهای نیز در فضای توسعه ای شهرستان مورد سنجش واقع گردید. پژوهش، کمی- کیفی و مبتنی بر تکنیک دلفی در بخش کیفی به منظور شناسایی پیشران ها و بخش کمی در ارتباط با سنجش وضعیت عملکرد در زمینه ایفای نقش مرکزیت و مدیریت فضای توسعه روستایی شهرستان توسط روستاهای مرکز دهستان می باشد. جامعه آماری مبتنی بر متخصصان علمی و دانشگاهی، دهیاران و مسئولین توسعه ای و آگاهان محلی است که به روش هدفمند در هر دو بخش کمی و کیفی تعیین گردیدند. تجزیه و تحلیل داده های در بخش کیفی مبتنی بر مطالعات آینده پژوهانه با تکنیک تحلیل اثرات متقاطع و در بخش کمی با بهره گیری از آزمون های آمار استنباطی انجام گرفته است. یافته های حاصله، نشان دادند که 43 متغیر در برگیرنده ابعاد اقتصادی، اجتماعی، طبیعی، کالبدی و فضایی بر توان افزایی نواحی روستایی مرکز دهستان شهرستان مریوان در راستای ایفای نقش در جریان سازی توسعه و تعادل منطقه ای اثرگذار هستند. عواملی که دربرگیرنده تمامی ابعاد موثر بر توسعه روستایی و به صورت ویژه تر عملکرد نواحی روستایی مراکز دهستان می باشد. در این میان متغیرهای مدیریتی و اقتصادی اثرگذارترین و پیشران های تامین منابع مالی پایدار، سرمایه گذاری و جذب سرمایه، تعیین جایگاه مراکز دهستان در مدیریت زنجیره ای فعالیت های اقتصادی و تشکیل خوشه های کسب و کار مبتنی بر مزیت های شهرستان و تنوع بخشی اقتصادی مهمترین پیشران ها شناخته شدند. همچنین، یافته ها در ارتباط با توان نواحی روستایی مرکز دهستان در نقش آفرینی توسعه منطقه ای؛ نشان داد که در سطح معنی داری 0.05 و 0.01 و با اطمینان 95 و 99 درصد در تمامی شاخص ها و متغیرهای مورد سنجش قرار گرفته، سطح اثرگذاری و مطلوبیت عملکرد نواحی روستایی مرکز دهستان از سطح مورد انتظار حد رضایت بخش، کمتر بوده‎است. این وضعیت، نشان از شدت ناتوانی عملکرد و انزوای شدید نواحی روستایی مرکز دهستان شهرستان مریوان در ساماندهی فضای توسعه منطقه ای و جریان سازی توسعه در میان نواحی روستایی پیرامون آن دارد.
  6. Investigating the possibility of taking advantage of the existing opportunities, capacities, and capabilities of the construction mobilization in civil engineering and development and creating employment in the rural areas of Marivan county.
    Since the beginning of the revolution, the construction mobilization has been trying to cooperate and create employment in the villages in various formats. In many cities of Iran, Basij Construction has a specific mechanism for construction and rural agriculture activities. In this research, the possibility of taking advantage of the existing opportunities, capacities and capabilities of Mobilization in construction and development and creating employment in the rural areas of Marivan city is evaluated. For this purpose, qualitative-quantitative integrated method and tools of interviewing experts and then designing a questionnaire after coding the answers from the interview, analysis in three parts of opportunities, capacities and abilities and knowing the details of each in mobilizing the construction of the city Marivan was done. Therefore, the statistical sample of the qualitative part of the research was experts and experts responsible for building mobilization in Marivan, and in the quantitative part, the participants and activists of building mobilization formed the statistical population. Finally, after qualitative-quantitative integrated analysis, it was found that it is possible to take advantage of the existing opportunities, capacities and capabilities of Mobilization of Construction in construction and development and create employment in the rural areas of Marivan city
  7. Comparison of sustainable livelihood in households with commercial cultivation and households with consumption and self-sufficient cultivation, a case study of Mariva county.
    Sustainable livelihood is one of the new analytical studies in the field of rural development that has been considered in the following years. One of the main approaches to improving sustainable rural livelihoods is agricultural development. The aim of this study was to compare sustainable livelihoods in commercial households and households with consumption and self- sufficient households, a case study of rural villages in Marivan city. This research was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical nature in terms of method and data collection was a survey using a questionnaire. The statistical population of this study was the heads of households in the villages of Marivan city. Cochran's formula was used to determine the sample size. 380 items were selected as a sample. To analyze the data, methods, descriptive statistics, and at the level of inferential statistics, first, for the normal distribution of data from Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and to test hypotheses from one- sample t-test, independent t-test, Friedman test. , Factor analysis and path analysis were used. The results showed that the sale of agricultural products has a significant effect on sustainable livelihood. (0.02). Living capital and its components (human, social, financial, physical and natural) are in good condition in households that produce products for sale in the market. The results also showed that livelihood capital in households that produce products for sale in the market and households that produce products for household consumption. There is a significant difference (0.0 0.02). In other words, in households that produce products for sale in the market, the amount of subsistence capital is more than subsistence capital in households that produce products for household consumption. Also, the results of factor analysis and path analysis showed that the financial dimension is one of the most important factors of sustainable livelihood and the sale of agricultural products has had a greater impact on the financial factor of sustainable livelihood.
  8. Investigating the effects of implementing the Hadi project on the livability of rural settlements (case study: villages of Razab village, Sarovabad city)
    This research has been conducted with the aim of investigating the effects of the implementation of the Hadi plan on the livability of rural settlements (a case study of the villages of Razab district), in which the effect of the implementation of the Hadi plan on the four dimensions of livability, including economic, environmental, social and physical, has been investigated. The dimensions are the same as the sub-hypotheses of the research. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of method. The statistical population is the heads of households in the studied villages (1740 people) using the simple stratified random sampling method and the statistical sample is also based on the Cochran formula of 317 people, all of whom are men. In the descriptive part of the research, the methods of descriptive statistics, relative frequency distribution table and its percentage charts, and average, variance and standard deviation statistics were used, and in the inferential part, the methods of correlation between research variables, factor analysis, and regression analysis were used. A researcher-made questionnaire was designed based on the Likert scale and its content and construct validity were evaluated using experts' opinions, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to measure reliability. In order to analyze the data obtained from the questionnaire according to the statistical needs, social science statistical software and Excel software were used. The results of data analysis have shown the confirmation of all research hypotheses and the significance of all aspects of the livability of rural settlements. It is one of the most important dimensions.
  9. The effect of border markets on the resilience of rural households affected by that case study of villages in Marivan
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of border markets on the resilience of rural households affected by the case study of villages in Marivan city. The present study was applied and its nature was descriptive-analytical. The statistical population of this study consists of all heads of households living in villages affected by border markets in Marivan city, the number of which was equal to the general population and housing census of 45 villages, the total number of households in the villages (6294) households and population of villages According to the planning statistics of Kurdistan province (23,611). Due to the vastness of the region and the difficulty of access, 45 villages were randomly selected as a sample. Questionnaires were distributed by simple random sampling among the heads of households in these villages. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire in accordance with the research hypotheses. This questionnaire had 43 items and 5 dimensions. The results of data analysis showed that border markets affect the resilience of rural households. According to the beta value of the research regression model, economic resilience index (1.13) and physical resilience (1.16) had the most impact.
  10. Analysis of rural residents' views on the level of livability in tourism target villages and non-tourism villages of Marivan county
    Sustainability is a concept that consists of the entanglement of a number of economic, social and environmental concepts, and in order to prevent its one-dimensionality and reductionism, one should always pay attention to the existence of a network of relationships between criteria related to different domains of livability; Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the level of livability in the target villages of tourism and non-tourism villages of Marivan city. The research method in this descriptive-analytical study will be comparative. There were 20 villages in Marivan according to the comparative research method; 10 target villages and 10 non-target villages were matched and selected as a statistical sample. The research data were collected in the field using a questionnaire. The results of the study were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis statistics and showed that the difference between livability indices (economic, social, environmental and physical) in tourism and non-tourism villages of Marivan city there is. As in the ranking of tourism target villages in Marivan city, Bardeh Rash village with the highest rank of 203.42 and in non-target tourism villages Rikhlan village with an average rank of 258.43 had the highest rank in non-tourism villages.
  11. Analysis Rural Sprawl in Rural settlements Case study: sarvabad county in kurdestan province
    sprawl in urban and rural residential contexts is actually residential constructions and other non-agricultural uses in agricultural, garden and natural lands on the outskirts of cities. Considering the increasing role and force of economic developments and the development of communication routes and the improvement of infrastructure services in villages far from cities, this research has identified the basis of the occurrence of creep in the rural fabric of Iran and Kurdistan. And its spatial characteristics are in 7 villages of Sarovabad city in Kurdistan province, which due to special natural conditions and ease of accessibility from Sanandaj, Marivan and Kamiyaran and tourist attractions are subject to rural creep. To achieve the goals and form a database of information and population data, road network, powerful satellite images The above spatial resolution was collected and organized at two different time points and using GIS (physical range changes). and the constructions carried out between 0931 and 0933 in the villages of Anjumaneh, Bisaran, Cheshmidar, Sourato, Goshkhani, Hazarkhani in Sarovabad city have been investigated. The highest amount of construction in the village of Paiglan with the amount 39 thousand square meters and in 011 units in a scattered manner and the least construction in the village of Sore To with 351 square meters and in three The unit has happened. In examining the conditions and factors affecting these changes, the accessibility and development of roads, the increase in vehicle ownership Personal vehicles, access to water and low slope have had the greatest impact on the construction boom. Can be used as methods Kara recommended for other cities and villages of the country.
  12. Comparison of livelihood capitals in tourism destination villages and Non-tourism, a case study of Marivan and Sarvabad counties
    ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to compare livelihood capital in tourism and non-tourism destination villages in a case study of Marivan and Sarvabad counties. This research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of how to collect data. The statistical population of this study was all heads of households in the villages of Marivan and Sarvabad in Kurdistan province. For sampling, 5 villages (and other villages of Marivan city), 5 villages (also Sarvabad tourist villages), 5 villages (and other villages), 5 villages) were selected from among the heads of households around Zarivar lake and 380 people were selected based on Cochran's formula. Were the sampling method was randomly available and based on the population of the studied villages. Cronbach's alpha method was used to assess the reliability of the research questionnaire. After collecting data, to analyze the data from descriptive statistics methods such as frequency, percentage and at the level of inferential statistics, first for the normal distribution of data from Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, to test hypotheses from one-sample t-test, independent t-test, test Correlation, regression analysis and Friedman test were used. The results showed that tourism has an impact on livelihood capital in the tourist destination villages of Marivan and Sarvabad counties. Tourism affects human, social, financial, natural and physical capital in the tourist destination villages of Marivan and Sarvabad counties. Livelihood capital in tourist destination villages in Marivan and Sarvabad counties only in the social and financial dimension of the difference in meaning there is no significant difference in other dimensions. There is a significant difference between livelihood capital in tourist destination villages and non-tourist villages in both Marivan and Sarvabad counties.
  13. Analysis of the role of tourism in the resilience of rural tourism settlements, a case study of the western villages of Marivan county
    Rural settlements with livability and suitable living conditions can lead to the creation of hope, vitality and vitality among its residents, and the low level of vulnerability, which indicates compatible conditions, can lead to an increase in rural resilience. If rural tourism achieves success and progress in villages where the host society preserves its cultures, relationships and traditions and the use of agricultural land remains strong in terms of quantity and quality, at the same time, we see that tourism in every The society that has happened has often paid attention to the economic benefits and satisfaction of tourists without paying attention to the above issues. Therefore, in order to analyze the role of tourism in the resilience of rural settlements that are the target of tourism, this research has been conducted a case study of villages that are the target of tourism in Marivan city. The research method was descriptive-analytical, the statistical population of the present study consists of heads of resident households and officials in the target tourist villages around Zarivar Lake, whose number is equal to the general population and housing census (9033). Was. For sampling in this research, a simple random sampling method has been used, and these samples have been selected among the heads of households in the region and officials separately. it was made. This questionnaire has 30 items and is graded using a five-point Likert scale. Data analysis at two levels of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics was done using SPSS and AMOS statistical software. The results showed that the villages The purpose of tourism has been able to play a positive role in rural resilience in economic, social, physical, environmental and institutional dimensions from the perspective of household heads. Also, the results showed that social and institutional dimensions with overall effects of 0.37 and 0.27 have the greatest impact on the resilience of rural tourism.
  14. Livelihood Vulnerability Analysis in Rural Areas (Marivan County Case Study)
    The purpose of this research is to analyze livelihood vulnerability in rural areas (Marivan case study). The statistical population of this research study is the households of the rural areas of Marivan city, so the level of vulnerability of the rural areas of Khaomirabad, Central and Sershio was analyzed. The minimum sample size was determined by the Cochran formula of 372 people. In order to analyze, the livelihood vulnerability questionnaire was used in three items: impulse (16 questions), trend (12 questions) and seasonal conditions (11 questions), so that the reliability of the designed questionnaire was confirmed to be higher than 0.7. The results of the sample t-test for the index of seasonal conditions of livelihood vulnerability showed that the t-statistic for the item price of livestock was higher than the critical limit and it shows that the price of livestock has not decreased. But the results obtained for the issues of unemployment, decrease in rainfall, destruction of livestock fodder, agricultural damages due to floods and lack of money and capital in rural areas are in an unfavorable situation. Further, the results of the analysis of variance test showed that the villages of Marivan county are different in terms of momentum index items and seasonal conditions. In the end, the results of Shafe and Friedman's analysis showed that the districts of Marivan county were ranked in terms of livelihood vulnerability, that Sershio, Kumasi and Golchidar districts were in poor condition, Zaribar and Sarkal districts were in acceptable condition, and Khaomirabad district was in good condition.
  15. Assessing and analyzing the situation of distribution and access to livelihood assets among rural areas of Marivan county in order to provide livelihood for villagers
    In the present study, the status of access and distribution of livelihood assets among the rural villagers of Marivan city with a comprehensive and comprehensive view in order to provide practical solutions to improve and improve the status of access and movement in the path of supply and sustainability of their livelihood, measured and Was analyzed. The nature of this descriptive-analytical research; Quantitative-qualitative and collection method is based on field survey. In the quantitative part, how to access the livelihood assets of the villagers and its spatial distribution, and in the qualitative part, the existing strategies of the villagers in relation to access to assets, the results and the causes and factors of this situation, are examined and identified. Is located. The statistical population in the quantitative part consisted of rural household heads of the city. Using Cochran's formula and stratified distribution method, 320 simple random questionnaires were distributed among the heads of households and by drawing lots among their selected villages in the city. Including 56 measurable variables, five main dimensions (human, financial, natural, physical and social) of living assets were distributed. In the qualitative section, there was a need for in-depth interviews with knowledgeable people from local village managers and experts, development officials, economic activists and knowledgeable experts in the field of city development who were purposefully identified by snowball method. Analysis of findings; In the quantitative part with inferential statistics tests and in the qualitative part with the basic theory method, they showed that the access level of the villagers of Marivan city is not in a satisfactory state due to the inappropriately calculated average of 2.64 at a significant level of 0.05. This inadequacy of access status is measured among the four types of livelihood assets; Based on financial, human assets; There were social and physical, and only, natural resources, which were assessed as fragile and relatively accessible, to some extent satisfactory. also; Inadequate access to financial assets and then, with a small difference, physical assets, had the greatest impact on the figure of inadequate living satisfaction among the villagers. In terms of spatial distribution, at a significant level of 0.05, there was a significant difference between the level of access of rural areas of Marivan to livelihood assets. In this regard, the average status of access to livelihood assets in rural areas of Marivan city in the form of six villages in two homogeneous groups. Sershio, Golchidar and Kumasi villages in the first group and Serkol, Khavomirabad and Zarivar villages in the second group; That the variables are the distance from the center; Having the characteristics of peasant subculture and rural population, had a significant effect on this distribution situation. 63 weakness; In the form of weakness components of development planning, policy and management; Inadequate business environment in the area; Border security management; Weak laws and protections; Weaknesses in the physical infrastructure required for economic development; Lack of local capital and socio-cultural weaknesses are the most important; There were causes, factors and shortcomings that caused the unfavorable situation of the villagers of Marivan to have access to livelihood assets and finally; Selling assets, increasing pressure on water and land resources, migration, reducing consumption, increasing consumption of financial savings, borrowing, borrowing, resorting to false jobs and smuggling of goods (colbury and intermediation), increasing working hours And leasing land; The most important are the strategies adopted and increasing poverty, livelihood vulnerability, evacuation of villages and loss of water and soil resources, unfavorable social and individual environment required for entrepreneurship and transformation, and increasing insecurity, the most important; Livelihood results were due to lack of distribution and proper access to livelihood assets in rural areas of the city. Results and strategies that show the creation and perpetuation of poverty traps in the region
  16. role of climate change in livelihood resillience of rural houshold ,case studymarivan county
    Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of climate change on livelihood resilience of rural households. Case study: Khaovmir Abad villages of Marivan city. The research method in this study is a quantitative survey and uses descriptive and analytical methods. For this purpose, 9 villages in Khaovmir Abad district of Marivan, which have been experiencing climate change in recent years, were the statistical sample of this study of 341 households selected by stratified random sampling. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to measure livelihood resilience variables. The validity of this questionnaire was formal and its reliability was calculated and confirmed by Cronbach's alpha (0.87). The results of the Chi-square analysis revealed the negative effects of climate change on the three dimensions of rural livelihood resilience (livelihoods, self-organization and learning bias). The results of Friedman test also showed that the indicators of self-organization-financial-human status have the highest ratings, which means that these indices have the most impact on climate change among the indicators of livelihood resilience of the villages. And. This suggests that the destructive effects of climate change have been initially influenced by these indicators, and that large-scale planning needs to be adopted to improve the situation in the villages.
  17. The effect of climatic changes on the economy of rural households in the studied area of the villages of Marivan county
    The climate is a medium-average condition of a long-term area where the Earth has experienced a variety of climates of about 5.4 billion years; a change in the climax, to any apparent change in the expected patterns for the weather, which in the long run The term for a particular region or for the entire global climate is thattoday the occurrence of climate change and global warming have attracted the minds of all thinkers and researchers; the main objective of the research is to analyze the impact of climate change on the rural households in the city of Servadabad (Kurdistan province ) Is. The present research is a descriptiveanalytical study based on the purpose of the research. In terms of collecting documentary-library information, the interview method and the questionnaire were completed from sample households based on Cochran's formula (n = 372) To measure the impact of climate change on rural economics, simple twodimensional linear regression test, the path analysis and spatial analysis were also used. The statistics indicate that climate change has occurred and affect the rural households as well. The basis of the T test for a single sample of the results shows that climatic variation is on the bee (18.96), horticulture (18.69), agriculture (18.66), animal husbandry (18.51), services (18.39), handicrafts (18.25), as well as by means of simple linear regression of two variables Suggests that there is a meaningful relationship between climate change and the economy of the rural household, with the effect of climate change of 0.41% at an error level of less than 0.1, that is, with the increase of climate change, the household economy of the villagers will be weakened.
  18. Effect of conducting a rural master plan on rural settlements resilience (case stady:oraman villages
    Rural settlements with livability and suitable living conditions can lead to the creation of hope, vitality and vitality among its residents, and high vulnerability, which indicates compatible conditions, can lead to increased resilience. Therefore, this research investigated the effect of the implementation of the Hadi plan on the resilience of rural settlements (a case study of the villages of Oraman district). The present research method was descriptive, analytical, survey type. Kamale, Ruber, Visian, in which the Hadi plan has been implemented and at least 5 years have passed since the implementation of the plan, were formed The households of the study area have been selected for data analysis in the form of factor analysis and chi-square, and step-by-step regression (Social resilience, 257/45) (Economic resilience, 208/95) (Institutional resilience (115/86)) Environmental physical resilience (196/69) according to the error level of 0.05 for all indicators and the level of meaning is lower It was from the error level (P<0.000).