Faculty Profile

Farzad Veisi
Update: 2024-09-19

Farzad Veisi

Faculty of Natural Resources / Department of Geomorphology

Articles Faculty

Journal Papers

  1. "Effects of Hadi Project Implementation on the Resilience of Rural Settlements in Oraman, Sarvabad"
    Farzad Veisi, Karim Shamsi, Abuzar Rezaiy Pour
    Journal of Rescue and Relief, 2020
  2. "Analyzing and measuring the barriers affecting the realization of tourism sustainability in rural areas (case study: Oraman district, Sarovabad County)"
    Farzad Veisi, Sadi Mohammadi, Bayan Abdollahi
    پژوهش های روستایی, 2024
  3. "The Effects of Handicrafts Produceing on the Sustainable Livelihood Capitals of Rural Households (Case Study: Kurdistan province- Oraman District)"
    Farzad Veisi, Sadi Mohammadi, Mojdeh Azimi
    مطالعات برنامه ریزی سکونتگاه های انسانی, 2023
  4. "Assessing the effects of threat-oriented management on sustainable security The Case study border villages of Marivan and Sarovabad counties"
    Farzad Veisi
    پژوهشنامه مطالعات مرزی, 2023
  5. "Effective drivers on the sustainable development of tourism in rural areas with an emphasis on future research (Study case: Oraman district of Sarovabad county)"
    Farzad Veisi, Rasool Safyari, Soran Manoochehri
    مطالعات اجتماعی گردشگری, 2020
  6. "Analysis patterns of circular and seasonal migration of rural labor to cities, case study: Sarvabad County"
    Farzad Veisi
    جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی, 2020
  7. "Comparison of urban regeneration Capacity in Urban rusty texture and Urban informal settlements, Case Study: Marivan City"
    Farzad Veisi, Eskandar Moradi, Arman Diwani
    پژوهش های جغرافیای برنامه ریزی شهری, 2020
  8. "analysis the Role of Tourism in Livelihood and Sustainability of Rural livelihood Households, A Case Study of Oraman district of Sarba Abad County"
    Farzad Veisi, Chonoor Nik Khah
    جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی تبریز, 2019
  9. "Analysis and explanation of the effects of building dams on the sustainable livelihood of rural areas (the case of Darian Horaman Dam)"
    Farzad Veisi, Sadi Mohammadi, Kourosh Amini
    مطالعات راهبردی سیاستگذاری عمومی, 2018
  10. "analysis factors of rural tourism increase in khawmirabad of marivan county"
    Farzad Veisi, Soran Manoochehri, Hossein Farahani
    اقتصاد فضا و توسعه روستایی, 2018
  11. "Determination of optimal points for the establishment of border checkpoints based on passive defense principles, in rural areas). case study: Marivan border county"
    Farzad Veisi, Rasool Safyari, Soran Manoochehri
    پژوهشنامه جغرافیای انتظامی, 2018
  12. "Analysis border market impacts on sustainable livelihood of rural around case study khavmirabod district in Marivan County"
    Mohammad sadegh Ghorbani, Farzad Veisi, Adnan Dastwar
    پژوهش های روستایی, 2017
  13. "measuring level of development in rural area case study marivan county disrtict"
    Farzad Veisi, Soran Manoochehri, Badria Taba
    پژوهشنامه مطالعات مرزی, 2017
  14. "war tourism planning development in kurdestan province"
    Farzad Veisi, Soran Manoochehri, Aram Karimi
    جغرافیا و مطالعات محیطی, 2017
  15. "An Analysis of the Impact of the Management Reformation Strategies of Border Markets in Improving the Socio-Economic Development of Surrounding Rural Areas"
    Farzad Veisi, Abdolhamid Ahmadi
    پژوهش و برنامه ریزی روستایی, 2017